#5: Genova Technologies

171.4% growth

City: Cedar Rapids

Founded: 1993


4th time on the list


Integrity, aptitude and attitude are the keys to the growth of Genova Technologies.

Hiring people with those three characteristics, along with having a patient persistence have allowed Genova to grow.

“About three years ago, I could see the growth potentially coming and it was a good problem to have, especially in the middle of a national economic downturn,” said CEO Dawn Ainger.

Genova focuses on specialized and efficient IT services in the healthcare and defense sectors. The company focuses on project management, custom software development, requirements capture and multi-level IT consulting.

“The good news is our need for information is ever increasing and we expect it faster and more accurate than ever,” Ms. Ainger said.

Ms. Ainger joined the company in 1996 as a senior software engineer. In 2001, she assumed ownership of Genova.

“A large part of the governmental work I was worried about with the sequestration, fortunately for us, the federal government has seen most of our programs as cost savings over time and want to keep those moving along,” she said.

-Pat Shaver