Amanda Wendling

GRIT Capital
AGE: 33

What was your first job?

An ice cream scooper at Whitey’s Ice Cream.

Best advice you ever received?

There’s no substitute for hard work. Sit down, be humble.

Biggest break?

While living in Portland, Oregon, I got a call from Bergan Paulsen. They were looking to start a marketing department and had gotten my name. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to build a marketing program from the ground up – remotely!

What do you know now that you wish you had known earlier in your career?

I wish I would have learned earlier to follow my gut. I have allowed self-doubt to interfere with my standing behind key decisions.

If you had $1 million to give, what causes would you support?

Young Parents Network (YPN) and other organizations that support women and children.

What is the biggest issue facing the Corridor?

We need more women in leadership positions in companies across the Corridor. I see so many women getting discouraged and exiting because companies aren’t finding ways to grow women leaders. And it hurts companies!